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My yesterday adventure
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Przedmiot: Angielski
dodano: 2006-02-18
autor: Daria Ł

My yesterday adventure It was early, it was dark. I and my cousin Nicole and other mates opened the old mansion. The palace was situated near graveyard. In this builiding I went upstairs and saw old dead body. It had been lying here for ages, and now it looked terrible. I decided that we will eat in the kitchen on ground-floor. And that was a mistake. We went into the kitchen, and wtwo minutes later a big axe held by a vampire split my cousin in two pieces. Friends started to scream and run away. I stayed alone, eye to eye with big vampire. I took the axe from Nicole’s body. It was covered with blood and hit the vampire. A second mistake, vampire split in two, then in four. I was forced to use my new ‘minibombs’. Vampires were running all over the house. I killed last one just before midday. The house was full of blood and bones.

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